N.I. 75.20 Lista verificación para conductores de autobús

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1. Nº 75. 20 Madrid, 28 de marzo de 20 20 LISTA VERIFICACIÓN CONDUCTORES AUTOBÚS

2. Nº 75. 20 Madrid, 28 de marzo de 20 20 LISTA VERIFICACIÓN CONDUCTORES AUTOBÚS Por su interés para nuestras empresas de transporte de viajeros, adjunto le remitimos folleto informativo elaborado por la IRU con una lista de pasos a tener en cuenta por los conductores de autobuses y autocares para protegerse contra el COVID19. C/ Príncipe de Vergara, 74, 3 planta - 28006 MADRID Tlf.: 91 451 48 01 / 07 – Fax: 91 395 28 23 E-mail: astic@astic.net Nota: Prohibida la edición, distribución y puesta en red, total o parcial, de esta información si n la autorización de A ST IC

3. iru.org Recommendations for bus and coach drivers during COVID-19 2 Clean your driver’s cabin and salon using disinfectant on a daily basis, preferably several times a day. Focus in particular on the inside and outside door handles, as well as the steering wheel and dashboard when cleaning the driver’s cabin. Focus on individual head restraints and armrests of passenger seats and handrails when cleaning the salon/interior of the bus. Ventilate the passenger compartment regularly at stopping points. If the temperature allows, drive with the windows open. Avoid using air conditioning or heating. Wash hands with water and liquid soap for 30 seconds. Disinfect hands regularly before entering and after leaving the vehicle and after completing the required cleaning procedures. Wear gloves when using electronic ticketing tools or handling cash Stay informed with the latest developments regarding COVID-19 ©2020 IRU I-0411-1 (en) Stay in the driver’s cabin whenever possible while on duty unless otherwise required. If you must communicate with passengers, wear a protection mask and gloves. Be aware of the virus spreading through coughing and sneezing (via airborne droplets), as well as through direct contact. Maintain a good distance from passengers when communicating inside salon. Wear a protection mask and gloves and disinfect hands after each close contact. If you or your family members show potential symptoms of COVID-19 such as a dry cough or fever, immediately inform your manager. Inform passengers about the importance of maintaining a distance of 1 metre from others. Monitor compliance, especially when identifying passengers with respiratory symptoms. Be responsible and use your common sense. Follow any specific guidelines given by your company and general recommendations/ instructions issued by health authorities. 1 3 5 7 4 6 8 10 9


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