N.I. 53.20 CE. Guía práctica para garantizar el flujo de mercancías

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1. Nº 53. 20 Madrid, 23 de marzo de 20 20 CE. GUÍA PRÁCTICA PARA GARANTIZAR EL FLUJO DE MERCANCÍAS

4. Coronavirus: Commission presents practical guidance to ensure continuous flow of goods across EU via green lanes Brussels, 23 March 2020 European Commission - Press release Today, the Commission issued new practical advice on how to implement its Guidelines for border management, in order to keep freight moving across the EU during the current pandemic. To ensure that EU-wide supply chains continue to operate, Member States are reque sted to designate, without delay, all the relevant internal border-crossing points on the trans-Euro pean transport network (TEN-T) as ‘green lane' border crossings. The green lane border crossin gs should be open to all freight vehicles, whatever goods they are carrying. Crossing the border, including any checks and health screening, should not take more than 15 minutes. Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean said: “The EU's transport network connects the whole of the EU. Our guidance document is intended to protect the EU's supply chains in these difficult circumstances, and to make sure both goods and transport workers are able to travel to wherever they are needed – without delay. A collective and coordinated approach to cr oss-border transport is more important today than ever before. The green lanes are also specif ically designed to protect transport workers at the frontline of this crisis. This set of recommendations will ease their already stressful mission and it will bring more safety and predictability to their work.” Green lane border crossings Procedures at green lane border crossings should be minimised and str eamlined to what is strictly necessary. Checks and screening should be carried out without drive rs having to leave their vehicles, and drivers themselves should undergo only minimal checks. Driver s of freight vehicles should not be asked to produce any document other than their identification and drivin g license and if necessary a letter from the employer. The electronic submission/display of documen ts should be accepted. No freight vehicle or driver should face discrimination, irrespective o f origin and destination, the driver's nationality or the vehicle's country of registration. In light of the current situation, Member States are also urged to te mporarily suspend all road access restrictions currently in place in their territory, such as weekend, night and sectoral bans. The Commission encourages Member States to set up safe passage tr ansit corridors to allow private drivers and their passengers, such as health and transport worker s, as well as EU citizens being repatriated, regardless of their nationality, to directly pass with priority thr ough the country in each necessary direction along the TEN-T Network. This should be done while stayin g strictly on the designated route and to take the necessary minimum rest breaks. M ember States should ensure that they have at least one airport functional for repatriation and intern ational relief flights. Enhanced cooperation among EU Member States and beyond Following the video-conference between EU Transport Ministers on 18 Ma rch, the Commission set up a network of national contact points and a platform to provide information on national transport measures taken by Member States in response to the coronaviru s. The national contact points should support the effective functioning of the green lane border crossing points. Neighbouring non-EU countries are invited to work closely with this network to ensure the flow of goods in all directions. Application of rules for transport workers To keep transport moving, the Commission recommends that Member Sta tes take action to ensure the free movement of all workers involved in international transport, wh atever the transport mode. In particular, rules such as travel restrictions, and mandatory quara ntine of transport workers not displaying symptoms, should be waived. For example, Member States shou ld not require that transport workers carry a doctor's certificate to prove their good health. To ensure the safety of transport workers, enhanced hygiene and operational measures are also n eeded in airports, ports, railway stations and other land transport hubs. Today's note from the Commis sion includes a full list of recommendations to protect drivers from the coronavirus (Annex 2). Internationally recognised certificates of professional competence s hould be considered sufficient to prove that a worker is active in international transport. In the abse nce of such certificates (not all

2. Nº 53. 20 Madrid, 23 de marzo de 20 20 CE. GUÍA PRÁCTICA PARA GARANTIZAR EL FLUJO DE MERCANCÍAS Para el transporte internacional por carretera la enorme profusión de normas nacionales que los Estados miembros han estado emitiendo supone un verdadero reto de adaptación, y para nosotros, en ASTIC, un formidable reto de interpretación y cribado para mantenerle correctamente informado. Particularmente perjudiciales para nuestra labor han sido las normas de controles fronterizos que allá donde han sido impuestas han provocado enormes pérdidas de tiempo por la congestión en esos cuellos de botella que ahora son los habituales pasos fronterizos que tantas veces han atravesado sin la menor dificultad nuestros vehículos. Por ello, y por suponer la culminación de una “pelea” que hemos llevado a cabo de la mano de IRU y otros miembros nacionales de dicha organización, nos complace hacerle llegar este documento recién publicado por la Comisión Europea, en el cual una vez más se reconoce el papel esencial que el transporte por carretera supone para la sociedad, especialmente en estos momentos. La CE plantea nuevos consejos prácticos sobre cómo implementar sus Directrices para la gestión de las fronteras. Se trata de asegurar que las cadenas de suministro de toda la Unión Europea continúan operando y se solicita a los Estados miembros que designen, sin retraso, todos los puntos de cruce fronterizo internos relevantes en la red transeuropea de transporte (RTE-T) como cruces fronterizos de "carril verde" (Green Lane). Los cruces fronterizos del carril verde deben estar abiertos a todos los vehículos de carga , cualquier cosa qu e lleven. La CE establece que un camión en cruce de una frontera, incluidos los controles documentales y los de salud, no debe perder más de 15 minutos.

3. Los procedimientos en los cruces fronterizos de carriles verdes deben minimizarse y simplificarse a lo estrictamente necesario. Los controles y el control deben realizarse sin que los conductores tengan que abandonar sus vehículos y los propios conductores deberían ser sometidos únicamente a controles mínimos. Los conductores de vehículos de mercancías no deben verse obligados a presentar cualquier documento que no sea su identificación y licencia de conducir y, si es necesario, una carta del empleador. Tras la videoconferencia entre los ministros de transporte de la UE el 18 de marzo, la CE es tableció una red de puntos de contacto nacionales y una plataforma para proporcionar información sobre transporte nacional , medidas tomadas por los Estados miembros en respuesta al coronavirus de la que ya le hemos dado cuenta en comunicaciones anteriores. Para mantener el transporte en movimiento, la CE recomienda que los Estados miembros tomen medidas para garantizar la libre circulación de todos los trabajadores involucrados en el transporte internacional , cualquiera sea el modo de transporte. Deben eliminarse, en particular, reglas como restricciones de viaje y cuarentena obligatoria de los trabajadores del transporte que no muestren síntomas. Por ejemplo, los Estados miembros no deberían exigir que los trabajadores del transporte lleven un certificado médico para demostrar su buena salud. Estamos seguros de que tanto el Gobierno de España como los de otros Estados Miembro, sabrán seguir fielmente estas recomendaciones. C/ Príncipe de Vergara, 74, 3 planta - 28006 MADRID Tlf.: 91 451 48 01 / 07 – Fax: 91 395 28 23 E-mail: astic@astic.net Nota: Prohibida la edición, distribución y puesta en red, total o parcial, de esta información si n la autorización de A ST IC

5. IP/20/510 international drivers have one), a letter signed by the employer (Anne x 3) should be accepted. All of these principles should also apply to third country nationals if the y are essential to ensuring that cargo moves freely within and into the EU. Background The coronavirus pandemic is having a major disruptive impact on Europe an transport and mobility. The European supply chain is maintained through an extensive network of freight transport services, including all modes of transport. Continued and uninterrupted land, waterborn e and air cargo services are of crucial importance for the functioning of the EU's interna l market and its effective response to the current public health crisis. More Information European Commission Communication on the implementation of the Green Lanes of the Guidelines for border management measures to protect health and ensure the ava ilability of goods and essential services Guidelines for border management measures to protect health and ens ure the availability of goods and essential services European Commission's response to the Coronavirus Overview of national measures by country Press contacts: Stefan DE KEERSMAECKER (+32 2 298 46 80) Stephan MEDER (+32 2 291 39 17) General public inquiries: Europe Direct by phone 00 800 67 89 10 11 or by email Related media Busses, commercial vehicles, vans and lorries driving on a moto rway


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